6 Tips For a Successful Interview
November 3, 2021
The right preparation can make all the difference when interviewing for your dream job. Check out these six interview best practices that will prepare you for your interview, allow you to showcase your talents and make a lasting impression on your interviewer.
1. Do Your Research
You’ve made it to the interview – that’s half the battle. Give yourself a fighting chance by researching your prospective employer. Researching the company will not only show your enthusiasm for the job, it will also give you an introduction to the company culture so you can determine if the company is the right fit for you.
Take a look at the company website and social media platforms. Do they post company news or have a company blog? Have they been involved in any charity or community engagement initiatives? Also, don’t hesitate to ask your recruiter for the names of your interviewers. Google their names and check out their LinkedIn profiles to familiarize yourself with their work history and current responsibilities.
2. Practice Your Interview
We’ve all been on the receiving end of a difficult interview question. How you answer can make or break your chances of getting your dream job.
Once you’ve done your research on the company, take the time to practice your interview. Think about your background and job history. Are there any gaps in between jobs? Are you changing industries? Why are you pursuing this opportunity and how will it affect your long-term career goals?
If you are new to the job hunt or just struggling with this step, try looking for outside resources. Many communities offer career development workshops and mock interviews, which can be a great way to practice your interview skills so you can nail your next job interview.
3. Interview Your Prospective Employer
Today’s job seekers are just as interested in finding a good fit as employers. Use the interview process to your advantage by creating a list of questions for your prospective employer. The information you uncover during your research will help you tailor your questions to each interview. Not only will these questions help you determine if a job is the right fit for you, they will illustrate your industry knowledge and enthusiasm for the job.
4. Pay Attention to Body Language
Interviews put you on display. They are an opportunity to showcase not only your talent, but how you interact with others in the workplace.
So, it is important to remember body language can speak volumes during an interview. Crossing your arms, biting your nails or being unable to make eye contact can count as immediate strikes against you.
If you struggle with any of these habits, take a deep breath and check in with your body throughout the interview. Try to sit comfortably with your arms relaxed at your side or on the arms of a chair, smile, and lean in when you want to show enthusiasm.
5. Dress The Part
We’ve all heard the phrase: dress for the job you want, not the job you have. This is especially true when dressing for an interview. Make sure to get a good night’s rest before your interview and give yourself plenty of time to get ready so you appear well-groomed and professional.
Remember: Even if your interview is virtual, you still need to dress the part. You only get once chance to make a first impression, and dressing professionally is the easiest way to start your interview off on the right foot.
6. Express Gratitude
The interview is over. You’ve done your best, and now all that is left to do is wait – right?
Not quite. Sending a polite and professional “Thank You” note within 24 hours can be a great way to ensure you made the best impression possible. Expressing your gratitude can also further show how passionate you are about the job.
Also, don’t be afraid to follow up with your recruiter by phone. We’ll be happy to communicate any feedback so you can stay informed and make the most out of your job search.