An electrical engineering career can be fulfilling, with gratifying work being done daily. But did you know that it is also one of the most booming industries in the job market right now? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is a 7% growth outlook for electrical engineers for the next ten years, which is higher than the national average of 5%.

The interview process may prove to be somewhat daunting for some candidates. However, with the right tools, it can be a fulfilling and rewarding opportunity to showcase skills and secure their dream position.

Keep reading to learn how to excel in an electrical engineering interview.

Research the Company and Role

Interviewing and accepting a new position is a life-changing decision and should not be taken lightly. That is why it is important for job seekers to research a company before applying. LinkedIn found that 71% of job seekers research the company they are considering before they even apply. This means that 29% of job seekers do not, which can be detrimental to their success in the interview. 

By researching the company, job seekers can build their knowledge about the company to relate to the work that they will be performing.

Here are some questions that a candidate could ask to get a better insight into the role:

In addition to the mission statement, products and services, candidates should also research the company’s culture and values to see if they align with their own. This information can be useful in tailoring questions and responses during the interview.

Here are some questions that can be asked during an interview to learn more about the company’s culture:

Asking these types of questions can give a great insight into the culture of the organization and learn more about overall satisfaction which can greatly impact the decision of committing to a position.

Highlight Skills and Qualifications

Having strong skills can make any candidate stand out in the interview process. Many organizations depend on the skills that a job seeker brings to the table. TestGorilla found that 76% of employers use some type of skills-based hiring when conducting interviews and considering different candidates for a role. Employers often seek candidates that possess a solid foundation in electrical engineering-related technical skills when hiring for these types of positions.

Some technical skills that an employer may be looking for include:

While technical skills are very important for electrical engineers to succeed in their positions, soft skills are also necessary. Soft skills are the attributes that allow workers to effectively work with one another and communicate information properly.

Soft skills that would be valuable to an electrical engineer include:

If a candidate does not currently possess these soft skills, they should consider offering their services to different projects to work to improve them. Candidates can also develop these skills through coursework or professional development publications.

Review Technical Concepts and Industry Trends

As an electrical engineer, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest technical concepts and industry trends. This can help candidates demonstrate expertise during interviews and show that they are committed to ongoing learning and development in the specific industry or field of electrical engineering.

A job seeker can stay current by reading industry publications, attending conferences and workshops and participating in online forums and discussion groups. Job seekers should consider discussing any recent innovations or trends in the interview so they can demonstrate their engagement with the industry.

Prepare a Portfolio of Relevant Projects

A portfolio of relevant projects is an excellent way to showcase experiences and skills to potential employers. When selecting projects to include in a portfolio, candidates should focus on those that directly relate to the job description and highlight strengths.

For each project, candidates should be sure to include specific details about the role and their contributions. This can help the interviewer to understand their level of expertise and how the candidate could contribute to their organization.

Here is a list of things to consider adding into a portfolio:

By including a portfolio in their application, job seekers can stand out and showcase their skills and abilities to the employer.

Demonstrate Confidence and Professionalism

To make a strong first impression, it’s important to exude confidence and professionalism throughout the interview. Twin Employment found that a lack of confidence is why 40% of interviewers don’t push a candidate past the first interview in the hiring process.

Here are some ways to demonstrate confidence in an interview:

Another way candidates can demonstrate professionalism is to be mindful of their body language. They should avoid fidgeting, slouching, or crossing their arms, as these can signal discomfort or defensiveness. Instead, candidates should sit up straight, lean forward slightly and use open and friendly gestures.

Having confidence and exerting it can be a struggle.

Here are some methods that candidates can do to improve their confidence as an electrical engineer:

Candidates that implement some of these practices can greatly improve their self-esteem, interviewing skills and overall work ethic.

Showcase Problem-Solving Skills

Employers often value problem-solving abilities, so candidates should be sure to showcase their problem-solving skills during interviews. One way to do this is by providing examples of how they have solved problems in the past. Candidates can talk about a difficult project they completed or a complicated coding challenge they overcame. By sharing experiences, a candidate can show the interviewer that they have the skills necessary to tackle complex problems.

Another way candidates can showcase their problem-solving skills is by using the STAR method. This method involves describing a Situation, the Task that was given, the Actions taken and the Results that were achieved. By using this method, job seekers can demonstrate their problem-solving abilities in a clear and concise manner.

Follow-Up After the Interview

After the interview, it’s important to follow up with a thank-you note or email to express appreciation for the opportunity to interview. This not only demonstrates professionalism and continued interest in the position, but can also make a strong impression on the interviewer. Topresume found that 68% of employers say that it makes candidates stand out when they send a thank-you letter after an interview.

If a candidate hasn’t heard back within a week or two, it’s appropriate to follow up with a polite email or phone call to inquire about the status of the application. It is important to know that hiring managers have many other responsibilities and constantly sending them messages about interview statuses can have a bad look on the job seeker.

In conclusion, acing electrical engineering interviews requires dedicating time and effort to the process. Through thoughtful preparation and successful execution of the interview process, you can showcase your technical knowledge and interpersonal skills and secure your dream electrical engineering job position!

Are you looking for your dream engineering position? Check out STEMHUNTER, a job board dedicated to all things STEM.  

Chemistry is an essential part of many innovative and future-focused businesses and is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing career fields. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is estimated that jobs for chemists will grow 6% over the next 10 years, which totals about 90,600 jobs.

With the right skills and tools, you can land a job as a chemist in no time. Read below to learn more about how to expand your skills and nail your next chemist interview.

Pursue Career Development Opportunities

Whether you are at the beginning of your career or are many years into it, career development is an important method of improving your skills. Career development involves sharpening skills, learning new things and meeting others in your shared industry.

Some ways to increase your career development include:

If you are a college student, consider looking into extracurricular groups or clubs that involve chemistry that would be ideal to put on a resume. Some of these groups could include honor societies, clubs or even studying groups. Being an active and engaged member of groups such as these will not only improve your skillsets, but could also lead you to helpful networking that could benefit you in future when job searching.

Being exposed to these types of professional development methods can also give you the opportunity to talk to other peers in your field which can lead you to dream job positions.

Evaluate Your Soft Skills

When thinking about becoming a chemist, you can assume that you are required to have a deep understanding of chemistry. While that is true, there are many other skills that applicants can have that will enable them to be successful in the chemistry field.

Skills that are not technical are considered soft skills. Soft skills are the common skills that help you interact and work with others. These can include interpersonal and communication skills.

Some of the soft skills, suggested by Scholarship Guidance, to be a successful chemist include:

A great way to show these skills during an interview is bringing them up in natural conversation with situations that demonstrate how you utilized that skill. For example, if the hiring manager is asking about a project you have worked on, you can mention that you utilized time management skills to make the project successful. Also consider including a small list of them on your resume so that the hiring manager can see them before they even interview you.

Consider analyzing the areas in which you excel and noting any opportunities for further development. Develop your soft skills by enrolling in courses, taking on new projects or asking for feedback from trusted colleagues.

Practice Interview Questions

After researching and applying for jobs, you will hopefully enter the interviewing stages for a new job as a chemist. Interviews can be nerve-racking and stressful for some. In fact, JDP found that 93% of job candidates report being nervous before a job interview.

A great way to combat this nervousness and uncertainty is to practice interview questions before the actual interview.

Here are some examples of questions you could be asked at an interview for a chemist:

Consider practicing these questions with a trusted colleague to ease your nerves and enable yourself to answer with no hesitation.

When you are answering the interviewer’s questions, try to tailor your answers to the type of industry that you are applying for. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the industry with the highest amount of chemists is the pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing industry which means there may be a high probability of interviewing with that type of company. If you are asked, “why did pursue chemistry?”, try to weave in your passion for medicine and how it will fulfill you as a chemist. This will show the hiring manager you have a passion for their industry and are very interested in the position.

While it is good to practice interview questions, keep in mind that there may be other parts to your upcoming chemist interview with things such as a technical assessments, background screenings, personality tests and more.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

Interviewing for a job not only lets an employer get to know you, but it is also an opportunity for you to learn more about the company and their values. Utilizing this time effectively can give you greater insights into the organization and show the interviewer that you are prepared and interested in the role.

Here are some questions to consider asking your interviewer:

Asking these types of questions can give you a better idea of the work dynamic, how others collaborate with each other daily and what the general company culture is.

Remember that you are also interviewing the company to see if they are a good fit for you and your career trajectory. If you ask these questions and your interviewer gives very general answers or tries to avoid the question altogether, this could be red flag. Consider taking a closer look into the company itself and its culture using websites like Glassdoor or directly reach out to current employees to see if it is a good fit for you.

Landing a job as chemist does not have to be hard. With these tips, you can find yourself landing a chemistry job in no time.

Looking for your next job in chemistry? Check out STEMHUNTER, a job board made specifically for STEM professionals.

The current competitive and tight labor market is making many organizations rethink their hiring process, but many are leaving out a key aspect, employee retention.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has estimated that STEM jobs will grow 10.5% between the years 2020-2030. With large numbers of STEM jobs projected to open, this presents a great opportunity for employers to add new talent to their organization. However, with this focus on bringing in new talent, many current employees could be looking for new opportunities if their needs are not being met.

A great way to retain your employees is through conducting stay interviews. Read below to learn how stay interviews can help you retain great STEM talent.

What Exactly is a Stay Interview?

A stay interview is a conversation or meeting with successful employees to learn more about how they feel about their position and the organization as a whole.  Some topics can include how they enjoy their position, what the organization can do better to support them, what changes they would like to see and other questions about their overall experience.

The Society of Human Resource Management found that it costs an employer one-third of an employee’s annual salary to replace them when they leave their role. This high cost is due to factors such as recruiting, training, loss in productivity and more. To combat these costs, employers are finding great success in having stay interviews with top performing employees.

The objective of a stay interview is to learn how the organization can change to better help employee experience, while also showing the employee that their opinions and experiences matter to management. This directly correlates to employee retention and keeping outstanding workers at your company.

Preparing For a Stay Interview

A great way to prepare for a stay interview is to take a close look at the performance of your employees and identify which individuals would be the best to conduct this type of conversation with. Consider picking employees that you want to retain at the company long-term, or those with a strong work ethic.

Once you have identified employees that you would like to conduct this conversation with, put time for the meeting on their calendar. When sending out an invitation for a stay interview, it is a great idea to explicitly inform the employee what the meeting will entail. If you are not clear about what the conversation will be, the employee could jump to conclusions like a possible lay-off or a haul of extra work which could hinder the meeting productivity and overshadow the purpose of the stay interview.

It is recommended that stay interviews last at least 30 minutes. This allows employers to ask several important questions, while also not taking away too much time from the workday for everyone involved.

Conducting a Stay Interview

Stay interviews are best conducted by a direct manager, rather than an HR professional. This is because employees will more likely have a sense that their feelings and opinions of the organization are being taken more seriously. If it is only being done by a member of HR, it could come off that the stay interview is only being done for compliance or to meet a quota. However, the results should be shared with HR following the interview.

Another factor to consider when having a stay interview is to make sure the interview is being done at a convenient time for both the manager and the employee. Considering both individuals’ time could make the employee feel more comfortable with the conversation and overall more respected by the organization.

Also, consider keeping performance reviews and stay interviews separate. While both are equally important, they have different purposes. Combining the two could cause the employee to be discouraged or stressed during the review and could make them avoid giving genuine answers to the questions that you are asking. It is best to save a performance review for another meeting.

Assembling What Questions to Ask

Just like an entrance or exit interview, preparing questions beforehand is essential when conducting a stay interview. It is best to include questions that are about the organization as a whole, as well as their specific experience working at your organization. You’ll want to ask questions about what motivates the employee to stay in addition to questions related to why they might leave. This can provide leadership with insights to help make decisions on what the organization can do to help increase and improve retention. Consider these questions below to ask in a stay interview:

Also, consider asking questions that are tailored to the employee’s specific role. By including specific questions, employees could feel that you took the time to consider their specific role within the organization.

These questions can be helpful to understand the needs of your employees and help open the door to what leadership can do to make sure that they, and others, stay at the organization for a long period of time.

Using The Information You Collected

Once you have successfully completed stay interviews, analyze what employees said and look for commonalities between responses. It is a good idea to meet with other leaders and the HR department to discuss findings and conclusions. From there, a plan or initiative should be created to improve employee retention.

Additionally, consider having an introspective look at yourself as a leader in the organization. Compare the answers from the stay interview to your leadership style and see if there is any room for improvement. Having strong leadership will go a long way with employee retention and hiring great talent.

After some time, consider having a follow-up conversation with employees to see if the changes have made a significant impact. It is a good idea to track to see if measurable change has been made overtime.

Stay interviews can be a great way to retain star employees, but can also shape an organization to be attractive to all job seekers.

Looking for great STEM talent? Check out STEMHUNTER, a job board specifically designed for STEM professionals.

Civil engineering is one of the fastest growing STEM careers currently. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has estimated that over the next 10 years, civil engineering jobs will grow by nearly 7%, which is around 310,000 jobs per year.

Job interviewing can be stressful, but it does not have to be when you have all the right tools. Read below to learn more on how to land your next civil engineering job.

Dress Professionally

While it is very important to impress hiring managers with your work experience and qualifications, it is also necessary to make sure that you properly dress the part for your interview.

Zippia found that 50% of hiring managers believe that the way a candidate dresses during an interview should determine if they will move on to the next steps of the interview process.

When attending an interview, consider dressing in business professional clothes. Avoid wearing flashy clothes and make sure your outfit is not wrinkled or stained. Dressing professionally will convey to the hiring manager that you took time and put in effort, ultimately showing that you are interested in the job.

Seem Interested and Be Direct

If you show up wearing nice clothes and have an impressive degree, but do not have a positive attitude during the interview, you may be eliminated from the hiring process.

When answering questions, be enthusiastic and interested in what the hiring manager is saying to you. Also, directly answer the questions you are being asked. In civil engineering, many of the tasks that you will be doing revolve around directly solving a specific problem or working on a complex design. Showing a trait of being direct during the interview may help you stand out from other candidates.

For example, if you are asked about a project that gave you difficulty and how you overcame it, do not try to sugarcoat the problem. Describe exactly what the problem was, and how you took the initiative to work it out with yourself and your team. Discuss any items that worked well, and things that maybe could’ve been better. This will show that you are a problem solver and a team player when faced with adversity and can handle the challenges that come with a career in civil engineering.

Example Interview Questions

A great way to prepare for interviews is to practice possible interview questions beforehand. When you practice answering questions, you may be able to go into the interview more confident and well-equipped compared to other applicants.

During the interview you will most likely be asked general questions about previous work experience, what your desired salary range and more. There will also be specific questions that will relate directly to the civil engineering field that you should be ready to answer.

Here are examples of questions you may be asked:

When preparing for an interview, it is best to over-prepare. Consider practicing answering questions about your skills and experience, situational-based questions and questions that test your knowledge of specific civil engineering practices. 

Ask Your Interviewer Questions

Interviewing for a civil engineering job not only involves you being asked questions, but it is also an opportunity to ask the hiring manager questions so you have a better understanding if the organization is the right fit for you. Additionally, asking questions to your interviewer can show that you have researched the position and are overall interested in the role.

Civil engineers can work in a variety of industries and on a variety of projects. Because of this, you should be thoughtful of the questions you ask and utilize this time to get a better understanding of the job’s daily duties.

Here are some questions you could ask your interviewer:

These questions can give you a good sense of the type of work you will be completing and what setting they will need to be completed in.

Expect Multiple Interviews

Civil engineers can design a wide array of products like bridges, buildings, water systems and other important infrastructure that many people rely on for daily use. With designing such crucial products, employers want to make sure they are hiring the perfect candidate to avoid any type of mishaps or mistakes.

Due to this need of excellent workers, do not be surprised if your hiring process contains multiple different interviews. According to Career Sidekick, the average employer will conduct between 2-3 interviews with a candidate before an official offer is made to them. 

If your hiring process is more than one interview, it is likely that you will be meeting with multiple managers and employees of the organization throughout the different rounds. Meeting with different people allows the hiring manager to get a better understanding on how you interact with others and will allow for more feedback to make sure you are the best choice for the job.

Looking for your next civil engineering job? Check out STEMHUNTER, a job board designed specifically for STEM professionals.

The software development field is growing rapidly, and many people are interested in starting a career in this line of work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 163,000 software developer jobs will open yearly over the next decade.

Like most jobs, when interviewing for a career in software, you will be required to go through an interview process but there are some key differences that make software developer interviews stand apart from traditional job interviews.

This often lengthy process is overwhelming and stressful for some, but if you practice enough, you can be on your way to landing a job as a software developer. Here are some tips for how to prepare for your upcoming software developer interview.

Make a Good First Impression

When interviewing for a job, you want to start off by making a great first impression with the interviewer. When you make a positive first impression, you are more likely to get farther into the interview process and have a better chance of getting the job.

One way you can make a great impression is to be authentic and friendly. You do not have to be over enthusiastic and loud, just be sure that you have a positive demeanor and are fully engaged in the conversation you are having.  For example, Seed Scientific found that 65% of candidates that do not make eye contact during the interview process, do not get the job they are interviewing for.

Another way to make a great impression is to be a good listener. Make sure that you are listening to everything thoroughly and be attentive to what the interviewer is saying. If it appears that you are spacing out, or not fully listening to the interviewer, this can be seen as a red flag and you could have a chance of no longer being considered for the job.

Practice Interview Questions

Without a doubt, you are going to be asked different types of questions during the interview process. These questions can include the interviewer inquiring about your professional background, career experience, skills and more. 

It is always better to go into an interview overprepared than being underprepared. Consider how you’d answer common interview questions. Below are some examples of questions that you could be asked.

While there is no way of knowing the specific questions that you will be asked in an interview, you can prepare with practice questions that will be likely asked. Consider ways you can incorporate your experience and accomplishments into your answers to show the interviewer that you are capable and a good fit for their role.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

A job interview is not only for the interviewer to get to know you, but also for you to understand the company more and decide if the role is right for you. Typically, you can expect the interviewer to leave time at the end of the interview for questions. This is your time to show that you came prepared and get clarification on any questions you have.

It is a good idea to prepare questions ahead of time, so you can learn more about the company and see if you would be a good fit. Some questions you could ask include:

Consider asking questions such as these to gain a better understanding of the company and position responsibilities.

Looking for more example questions? Check out this article with more questions that you could ask your interviewer.

Expect a Technical Assessment of Your Skills

Software development is a career that is built around using different tools and programs to create products and services, so it is only natural that an employer would want to test you on your expertise in these areas when interviewing for a position.

Some of the skills that you could be tested on include:

When being tested, it can be expected that you may be nervous. Do not feel like you must get a perfect score on your assessment to be able to get the job. Often, employers are looking at different aspects of the assessment to analyze your problem solving and critical thinking skills. If you are intimidated by these assessments, there are many online resources that offer example problems and situations that you could be given in a technical assessment, like this guide from Dev Community.

If you show an understanding of the tools and languages that are required for the job, it will be clear that you are a qualified candidate and will increase your probability of being extended an offer.

 Although these interviews can be lengthy and challenging, by following these tips, you can easily land your next software development job in no time.

Are you looking for your next Software Developer job? Check out STEMHUNTER, a job board made specifically for STEM professionals.

The right preparation can make all the difference when interviewing for your dream job. Check out these six interview best practices that will prepare you for your interview, allow you to showcase your talents and make a lasting impression on your interviewer. 

1. Do Your Research

You’ve made it to the interview – that’s half the battle. Give yourself a fighting chance by researching your prospective employer. Researching the company will not only show your enthusiasm for the job, it will also give you an introduction to the company culture so you can determine if the company is the right fit for you.

Take a look at the company website and social media platforms. Do they post company news or have a company blog? Have they been involved in any charity or community engagement initiatives? Also, don’t hesitate to ask your recruiter for the names of your interviewers. Google their names and check out their LinkedIn profiles to familiarize yourself with their work history and current responsibilities.

2. Practice Your Interview

We’ve all been on the receiving end of a difficult interview question. How you answer can make or break your chances of getting your dream job.

Once you’ve done your research on the company, take the time to practice your interview. Think about your background and job history. Are there any gaps in between jobs? Are you changing industries? Why are you pursuing this opportunity and how will it affect your long-term career goals?

If you are new to the job hunt or just struggling with this step, try looking for outside resources. Many communities offer career development workshops and mock interviews, which can be a great way to practice your interview skills so you can nail your next job interview.

3. Interview Your Prospective Employer

Today’s job seekers are just as interested in finding a good fit as employers. Use the interview process to your advantage by creating a list of questions for your prospective employer. The information you uncover during your research will help you tailor your questions to each interview. Not only will these questions help you determine if a job is the right fit for you, they will illustrate your industry knowledge and enthusiasm for the job.

4. Pay Attention to Body Language

Interviews put you on display. They are an opportunity to showcase not only your talent, but how you interact with others in the workplace.

So, it is important to remember body language can speak volumes during an interview. Crossing your arms, biting your nails or being unable to make eye contact can count as immediate strikes against you.

If you struggle with any of these habits, take a deep breath and check in with your body throughout the interview. Try to sit comfortably with your arms relaxed at your side or on the arms of a chair, smile, and lean in when you want to show enthusiasm.

5. Dress The Part

We’ve all heard the phrase: dress for the job you want, not the job you have. This is especially true when dressing for an interview. Make sure to get a good night’s rest before your interview and give yourself plenty of time to get ready so you appear well-groomed and professional.

Remember: Even if your interview is virtual, you still need to dress the part. You only get once chance to make a first impression, and dressing professionally is the easiest way to start your interview off on the right foot.

6. Express Gratitude

The interview is over. You’ve done your best, and now all that is left to do is wait – right?

Not quite. Sending a polite and professional “Thank You” note within 24 hours can be a great way to ensure you made the best impression possible. Expressing your gratitude can also further show how passionate you are about the job.

Also, don’t be afraid to follow up with your recruiter by phone. We’ll be happy to communicate any feedback so you can stay informed and make the most out of your job search.

Job searching can feel like a mindless cycle of submitting resumes and refreshing your inbox only be left in the dark about your application status. It is easy to lose motivation during this seemingly endless process and neglect what made you begin looking for a new opportunity in the first place.

Recruiters weighed in on this topic, using their knowledge of the hiring process and personal job search experience to come up with five tips for staying motivated during the job search process.

1. Be Tenacious 

Rejection is just another step closer to finding the right opportunity. As a Recruiter wrote, “A job search is similar to a maze. You will go down wrong routes multiple times only to get rejected, but you have to keep trying to find the way out. That is when you find your dream job!”

2. Stay Organized

Adequate preparation can ease the woes of job searching. An HR leader offers her wisdom on this topic, “If you want to find a job sooner rather than later, make quantifiable goals for yourself. Apply to a set amount of jobs every week and remember to take notes on the positions you are applying for. While it’s good to be motivated in the number of applications you submit, a poor response during a phone interview such as, ‘I have applied for so many jobs.. which one is this again?’ could hurt your chances on landing the opportunity.”

3. Remain Positive

Think of denial from employers as a way of agreeing that the opportunity wasn’t a mutual fit and that there are still other opportunities out there. “One ‘no’ does not dictate your whole job search, keep your head up and continue searching. A better fit will always be around the corner, even if it takes longer to find than expected,” another Recruiter describes.

4. Utilize Resources

Whether you just graduated college or are well into your career, there are a variety of resources available to you. Leverage creativity in your search to help you break the application cycle and potentially get a leg up over other applicants. “Ask a friend to look over your resume to be sure that things are spelled correctly and that there is proper grammar. Sometimes another person can give you a tip that might improve your resume and set you apart,” another HR leader explains.

5. Have Patience

In the hiring process, it is easy to become agitated and impatient. Make sure that you give the employers ample time to go over your qualifications and skill set. A Recruiter explains, “Sometimes feedback takes longer than expected, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the company isn’t interested in you as a candidate!”

The impact of COVID-19 and current social distancing regulations are changing the world of work. With an increased need for employees to work from home, many organizations are utilizing video chatting platforms to conduct virtual interviews with job candidates. “We are seeing clients utilize video interviewing technology throughout the entire hiring process from initial phone screen to final interview”, says Gabrielle Christman, President & CEO of Hunter International, a STEM-focused Workforce Solutions Partner. “Candidates should adequately prepare ahead of time for their video interview to be successful and stand out to hiring managers.” Consider these tips from our team of hiring experts to put your best foot forward in your next video interview.

1. Get Your Technology in Order

To adequately prepare for a video interview, we recommend that you start by making sure that you have the right equipment to participate in the virtual meeting. Oftentimes, you’ll need working internet, a camera and a microphone. If these aren’t available to you, consider borrowing from a friend or seeing if your local library has an equipment rental program. You also should find out what platform the video interview will be held on such as Zoom, Google Hangouts or Skype. You might want to consider doing a test-run so that you feel comfortable using the platform. Familiarize yourself with the software and tools needed for the virtual meeting so that you are comfortable and prepared when it’s time for the real thing.

2. Set The Scene

Next, you should consider the environment for your video chat. We recommend utilizing a quiet space that will be free from distractions. People walking around or a loud television in the background can make it more difficult for both you and your interviewer to focus on the opportunity being discussed. Lighting is also an important aspect of a video interview. “Shadows or bright light might blur you out and make it more difficult for the interviewer to see you and focus during the interview,” says Christman. “If you can, utilize windows or lamps to help balance out the lighting in the space.” Creating a distraction-free, well-lit space will enable you to shine to your potential employer and keep you on-track during the meeting.

3. Personalize Where You Can

An often overlooked, unique advantage of video interviews is that candidates can be more creative in expressing themselves. Consider keeping some meaningful objects close by that you can show off or include in the background that tell your story. “Let your backdrop show your personality. Do you play guitar? Are you an avid traveler? Don’t shy away from dropping hints that you have interests outside of work,” advises Christman. Some other items to consider including in the background are industry-specific books, certifications or examples of your work. Overall, some personalization where appropriate will help your interviewer learn more about who you are and what you’re passionate about.

4. Treat The Meeting Like an In-Person Interview

Though there are a few differences between a video interview and an in-person interview, the overall purpose of the meeting remains the same. You should prepare just as you would for a face-to-face interview. Among other things, we recommend dressing professionally, writing down some thoughtful questions and doing your research about the organization and position ahead of time.

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