According to data compiled by TeamStage, motivated and engaged teams experience increased productivity, higher retention and greater profitability compared to unmotivated teams. However, the data also shows that only an alarming 33 percent of employees in the US feel motivated at work. If motivated employees have such a large impact on business success, shouldn’t managers focus on the ways they can engage and inspire their team at work? Below are six proven tips to increase motivation and engagement within your organization.
Recognize Accomplishments
When is the last time you recognized a coworker for a job well-done? Consider the ways in which you can formally and informally recognize the accomplishments of your team. Celebrate the small achievements of your coworkers by making time to stop by their desk or send them a thoughtful message. Recognize larger accomplishments by giving your team member a shout-out at a team meeting or in a company newsletter. If your organization doesn’t have a formal awards or recognition program, consider putting one in place as this is an excellent motivator and is likely to encourage greater team productivity.
Set Goals Together
A great approach to boost employee engagement is to allocate time to collaborate and brainstorm with your team to set specific and measurable goals. Discuss the “why” behind the goals and objectives your team is setting to make sure everyone is on the same page. Having your team be a part of the goal-setting process establishes transparency and intrinsic motivation to work towards the group’s objectives. Create goal check-in points to discuss progress and re-evaluate the goals if needed. Additionally, remember to celebrate when goals are met and continue to establish new goals and objectives that are clear and measurable with your team.
Include Others in Decision Making
Consider the ways you can get your team involved in decision making. From small, daily decisions to larger, more impactful changes, your team can offer value to the decision-making process. Give them the opportunity to provide feedback on current practices and leave room for any new ideas they may have. Including your coworkers in this way allows them to feel like their opinions are valued and their voice is heard. This builds team motivation and helps your employees understand why decisions are made to benefit the organization.
Offer Leadership Opportunities
Your coworkers might jump at a leadership opportunity if given the chance. Whether you give them an opportunity to head a project, contribute to the team in a different capacity or take the lead on a new initiative, offering the ability to take on additional responsibility is a great way to motivate employees and increase productivity. Continue to provide support to them in this new position and offer constructive feedback if needed so that they can be successful.
Set Aside Time For Non-Work Talk
When is the last time you caught up with your team? Setting aside time for your coworkers to get together outside of work is a great way to get to know each other’s interests and form a stronger team bond. This can be a formal, work-sponsored event or an informal check-in with a coworker. Creating these connection opportunities is a great way to communicate with your team in a different way and can support your organization’s positive culture and employee engagement.
Training and Development
Whether your coworkers have been at your company for months or multiple years, it is important to offer training and development opportunities for your team. Training can come in several different forms, but almost always requires team engagement in some capacity. Consider surveying the team on work-related topics they would like to learn more about or which skills they may like to further develop. Not only will you be giving your employees an opportunity to break up their day, you’ll also be providing your employees with useful skills for the future.
In conclusion, managers and organizations can benefit by making a conscious effort to inspire and motivate their team. By doing so, they can increase worker satisfaction, escalate business results and strengthen team productivity.
Are you part of an engaged and motivated work environment? If you’re looking for a new workplace, check out the job opportunities on STEMHUNTER!
After the COVID-19 pandemic brought us social distancing regulations and company travel restrictions, virtual meetings and calls became the norm. When it’s your turn to host the meeting, you want to be prepared, just as you would be if the meeting were face to face. Consider these tips for effectively leading virtual meetings, so they run smoothly and are productive.
1. Create a Plan
One of the first things you should do when scheduling a meeting is collaborate with your team regarding the meeting content. Create a plan indicating who is responsible for putting together necessary materials including slides and reports. Discuss any deadlines and give yourself some extra time to practice with the finalized meeting materials. Your team may also want to consider what the meeting follow-up will look like and what will be provided to attendees. Thinking of all these aspects ahead of time will help your team be prepared and will ensure that you are all on the same page.
2. Test Your Technology
Before the meeting, make sure that you are familiar with the video platform and its features. Not only will this help with your execution during the real meeting, it’ll also help you quickly troubleshoot any issues that your meeting attendees may have during the meeting. You may want to consider items like dial-in options, screen sharing abilities and hand-raising features. This information should be provided to meeting attendees ahead of time so that they are prepared when it’s time for the event.
3. Assign a Facilitator
One of the challenges of virtual meetings is the difficulty for collaborative discussions to take place. Attendees are often muted during presentations to prevent background noise and may not feel comfortable speaking up while someone else is talking. Assigning a facilitator to help spark discussions and move the meeting along will help your meeting be more effective overall. The facilitator can also help introduce the presenters, share their screen to feature important documents and field questions as needed.
4. Stick to Meeting Basics
Despite that there are distinct differences between online and in-person meetings, you’ll want to follow conventional meeting practices throughout your virtual meeting. Utilize an agenda, provide meeting materials to attendees and take breaks if necessary. Consider a meeting ice breaker to start off the virtual meeting and get people comfortable using the software. You’ll also want to be mindful of the other attendees time by minimizing the presentation portion of the meeting and maximizing times for collaboration and discussion.
5. Establish a Structure
Establishing the meeting structure can also help with increased participation and engagement. Consider how people can interject and ask questions. Will they use a hand-raising feature on the video software or enter their questions into the chat? By setting the expectations of participants, it makes it clear how they can offer their opinions and contribute to the meeting.
6. Get Others Involved
As previously mentioned, it’s easy for individuals to remain quiet during a virtual meeting. To increase collaboration and keep everyone engaged, it is a good idea to ask questions to the group or to specific individuals throughout the video call. You may also want to start the meeting by addressing everyone individually who is on the call, giving time for small talk before getting into the meeting topics. Again, this is a good item for the facilitator to monitor throughout the meeting. The more interactive you make the virtual meeting, the more attendees will feel engaged and connected to each other.
7. Capture Feedback From Everyone
Following the meeting, it’s a good idea to capture feedback from everyone involved, including attendees and individuals on your team. You may want to consider sending out a brief survey or open ended questions about the virtual meeting to gather insights into what went well and what could’ve been better. A retrospective meeting with your team can also provide valuable information and discussions. Capturing all of this information now can help you run your next virtual meeting more effectively in the future.
8. Follow-Up
Depending on the intention of your meeting, you may want to follow up with meeting attendees. This could include meeting notes, next step information, and/or meeting materials such as a recording or presentation slides. Creating and executing a follow up plan can make your meeting effective beyond just the meeting content.
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If you are starting a new job remotely, you may be apprehensive about what to expect when it comes to onboarding, training and introductions at your new company. Some organizations will have this process nailed down, while others may be new to this level of remote work. Check out the four tips below to help you navigate this process and effectively transition into your new job virtually.
1. Ask Questions
Odds are, you’ll probably have a lot of questions when starting at a new company and likely even more if you are starting a new job while working from home. It is recommended to reach out to your human resources representative or manager before starting to make sure that you have all of the information you need for your first day. If you have any outstanding questions before you begin, make sure to get those answered so that you can log on properly and get started efficiently. It is also a good idea to make sure that you have all of the necessary tools you need to start your role from home. Did your new company send you all of the right technology? Do you have all of your log in information? Is your internet speed adequate?
After starting, you should continue to ask questions to your manager or colleagues as they come up. During calls or video meetings, be sure to write down items where you need clarification. This will allow you to ask you follow-up questions and also show that you are engaged and interested in your training.
2. Make Connections
Starting a new virtual job may pose some barriers to connecting with colleagues. While you might not be able to have small talk at the office water cooler, you can still establish those connections with others online. You might want to start by finding out how your team prefers to communicate. Whether it’s through daily update calls or corporate chat platforms, understanding this process will help you effectively connect with others in your organization.
It is suggested to try to introduce yourself to others during your first virtual meetings. Are there any company-sponsored virtual events coming up? What about a team happy hour? These are great opportunities to introduce yourself and discuss items beyond work. Giving your colleagues an idea of who you are outside of work can help create those connections and establish relationships which is helpful to create positive and productive conversations.
3. Utilize Technology
We are fortunate to have many technology and communication platform options available to make working from home easier. Utilizing video conferencing tools, corporate chatting platforms and other technologies will help keep you and your team connected and focused. Make sure that you are well-versed in all of the tools that your company utilizes and have an understanding of how your team uses them every day. Many companies will have documentation or training to help you get onboarded and comfortable in these platforms. If you are having any issues with these technologies, reach out to your manager or IT department so that you can gain a better understanding of how to utilize them properly.
4. Be Patient
Many companies are experiencing new circumstances when it comes to working from home. Some have never encountered such high numbers of remote work before, while others may have had remote procedures in place for years. Try to be patient and flexible with delays. The HR and IT departments may be backed up with requests from employees across the nation. By being open and understanding of these issues, you’ll be prepared if delays occur. If, however, they are hindering your ability to do your job, communicate these issues to your manager.
There may be some small barriers that you encounter when starting a new job remotely, but being open and communicative with your team will help you overcome them and stay focused on excelling at your new role!
Ready for a career change and looking for a remote job? Check out work from home jobs on STEMHUNTER.
Whether you are creating a resume for the first time or updating an existing resume, you want to make sure you are putting your best foot forward. Several mistakes are commonly made and can cause headaches for the individuals reviewing your resume. Avoid the items below to increase your chances of getting in front of the hiring team and landing the job.
1. Missing Information
A mistake commonly seen is missing information on a resume. This includes contact information as well as employment and education details. To start, make sure that your phone number and email can be easily found on your resume (common practice is to feature these items toward the top, near your name). Additionally, make sure you aren’t leaving off any important sections that may show a recruiter why you’d be a good fit for their role. Your education and employment sections should paint a picture about your background and capture the dates (month and year) that you were employed. Including the major sections on your resume will give you a good starting point to create an effective resume.
2. Incorrect or Inconsistent Details
Just as it is important to make sure you aren’t missing any information on your resume, you’ll also want to ensure that the details you provide are accurate and consistent. Incorrect contact information can frustrate hiring teams and more importantly, make you miss out on potential job opportunities. Additionally, make sure that your resume and online profiles, such as LinkedIn, include consistent information. Having varying experience or incorrect dates on your resume can be confusing and hiring managers can become apprehensive about hiring you.
3. Spelling & Grammar Issues
You’ve heard it time and time again. Proper spelling and grammar on your resume is extremely important. Your resume is likely one of the first things a recruiter looks at when considering you for a job opportunity and is how they form their first impressions. Hiring teams will often come back to your resume throughout the hiring process to review your experience and responsibilities. Fortunately, this common mistake is easily avoidable by using online tools like Grammarly or asking trusted colleagues to review your resume before applying to jobs. Taking the extra time to make sure your resume is polished and professional will go a long way in your job search journey.
4. Length (Too Long or Short)
While resume length isn’t something that is a dealbreaker for most job seekers, there are times where it can hurt your chances of getting in front of the hiring team. Resumes that are too short often fail to include important details that help recruiters and hiring managers understand your responsibilities and experience. Resumes that are long often go into too much detail, risking the chance that you lose the hiring managers attention. So, what is the perfect middle-ground? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. While it is recommended you aim for your resume to be one to two pages, the length can depend on your experience, industry and overall career situation. Whether your resume is one page or four pages, capturing your experience as accurately and concisely as possible is most important.
5. Lack of Specifics
As you are forming concise bullet points to describe your experience, think about where you can be specific in your descriptions. If you managed a team, how many people did you manage? If you had a budget to work with, how much were you given? Having vague explanations can leave a recruiter wondering what your actual duties and responsibilities were. You can also utilize specifics to show off your accomplishments. For example, if you increased company sales, include the amount or percentage. Being as specific as possible is an excellent way to paint a picture for the hiring team considering you for a role.
The right preparation can make all the difference when interviewing for your dream job. Check out these six interview best practices that will prepare you for your interview, allow you to showcase your talents and make a lasting impression on your interviewer.
1. Do Your Research
You’ve made it to the interview – that’s half the battle. Give yourself a fighting chance by researching your prospective employer. Researching the company will not only show your enthusiasm for the job, it will also give you an introduction to the company culture so you can determine if the company is the right fit for you.
Take a look at the company website and social media platforms. Do they post company news or have a company blog? Have they been involved in any charity or community engagement initiatives? Also, don’t hesitate to ask your recruiter for the names of your interviewers. Google their names and check out their LinkedIn profiles to familiarize yourself with their work history and current responsibilities.
2. Practice Your Interview
We’ve all been on the receiving end of a difficult interview question. How you answer can make or break your chances of getting your dream job.
Once you’ve done your research on the company, take the time to practice your interview. Think about your background and job history. Are there any gaps in between jobs? Are you changing industries? Why are you pursuing this opportunity and how will it affect your long-term career goals?
If you are new to the job hunt or just struggling with this step, try looking for outside resources. Many communities offer career development workshops and mock interviews, which can be a great way to practice your interview skills so you can nail your next job interview.
3. Interview Your Prospective Employer
Today’s job seekers are just as interested in finding a good fit as employers. Use the interview process to your advantage by creating a list of questions for your prospective employer. The information you uncover during your research will help you tailor your questions to each interview. Not only will these questions help you determine if a job is the right fit for you, they will illustrate your industry knowledge and enthusiasm for the job.
4. Pay Attention to Body Language
Interviews put you on display. They are an opportunity to showcase not only your talent, but how you interact with others in the workplace.
So, it is important to remember body language can speak volumes during an interview. Crossing your arms, biting your nails or being unable to make eye contact can count as immediate strikes against you.
If you struggle with any of these habits, take a deep breath and check in with your body throughout the interview. Try to sit comfortably with your arms relaxed at your side or on the arms of a chair, smile, and lean in when you want to show enthusiasm.
5. Dress The Part
We’ve all heard the phrase: dress for the job you want, not the job you have. This is especially true when dressing for an interview. Make sure to get a good night’s rest before your interview and give yourself plenty of time to get ready so you appear well-groomed and professional.
Remember: Even if your interview is virtual, you still need to dress the part. You only get once chance to make a first impression, and dressing professionally is the easiest way to start your interview off on the right foot.
6. Express Gratitude
The interview is over. You’ve done your best, and now all that is left to do is wait – right?
Not quite. Sending a polite and professional “Thank You” note within 24 hours can be a great way to ensure you made the best impression possible. Expressing your gratitude can also further show how passionate you are about the job.
Also, don’t be afraid to follow up with your recruiter by phone. We’ll be happy to communicate any feedback so you can stay informed and make the most out of your job search.
Job searching can feel like a mindless cycle of submitting resumes and refreshing your inbox only be left in the dark about your application status. It is easy to lose motivation during this seemingly endless process and neglect what made you begin looking for a new opportunity in the first place.
Recruiters weighed in on this topic, using their knowledge of the hiring process and personal job search experience to come up with five tips for staying motivated during the job search process.
1. Be Tenacious
Rejection is just another step closer to finding the right opportunity. As a Recruiter wrote, “A job search is similar to a maze. You will go down wrong routes multiple times only to get rejected, but you have to keep trying to find the way out. That is when you find your dream job!”
2. Stay Organized
Adequate preparation can ease the woes of job searching. An HR leader offers her wisdom on this topic, “If you want to find a job sooner rather than later, make quantifiable goals for yourself. Apply to a set amount of jobs every week and remember to take notes on the positions you are applying for. While it’s good to be motivated in the number of applications you submit, a poor response during a phone interview such as, ‘I have applied for so many jobs.. which one is this again?’ could hurt your chances on landing the opportunity.”
3. Remain Positive
Think of denial from employers as a way of agreeing that the opportunity wasn’t a mutual fit and that there are still other opportunities out there. “One ‘no’ does not dictate your whole job search, keep your head up and continue searching. A better fit will always be around the corner, even if it takes longer to find than expected,” another Recruiter describes.
4. Utilize Resources
Whether you just graduated college or are well into your career, there are a variety of resources available to you. Leverage creativity in your search to help you break the application cycle and potentially get a leg up over other applicants. “Ask a friend to look over your resume to be sure that things are spelled correctly and that there is proper grammar. Sometimes another person can give you a tip that might improve your resume and set you apart,” another HR leader explains.
5. Have Patience
In the hiring process, it is easy to become agitated and impatient. Make sure that you give the employers ample time to go over your qualifications and skill set. A Recruiter explains, “Sometimes feedback takes longer than expected, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the company isn’t interested in you as a candidate!”
The impact of COVID-19 and current social distancing regulations are changing the world of work. With an increased need for employees to work from home, many organizations are utilizing video chatting platforms to conduct virtual interviews with job candidates. “We are seeing clients utilize video interviewing technology throughout the entire hiring process from initial phone screen to final interview”, says Gabrielle Christman, President & CEO of Hunter International, a STEM-focused Workforce Solutions Partner. “Candidates should adequately prepare ahead of time for their video interview to be successful and stand out to hiring managers.” Consider these tips from our team of hiring experts to put your best foot forward in your next video interview.
1. Get Your Technology in Order
To adequately prepare for a video interview, we recommend that you start by making sure that you have the right equipment to participate in the virtual meeting. Oftentimes, you’ll need working internet, a camera and a microphone. If these aren’t available to you, consider borrowing from a friend or seeing if your local library has an equipment rental program. You also should find out what platform the video interview will be held on such as Zoom, Google Hangouts or Skype. You might want to consider doing a test-run so that you feel comfortable using the platform. Familiarize yourself with the software and tools needed for the virtual meeting so that you are comfortable and prepared when it’s time for the real thing.
2. Set The Scene
Next, you should consider the environment for your video chat. We recommend utilizing a quiet space that will be free from distractions. People walking around or a loud television in the background can make it more difficult for both you and your interviewer to focus on the opportunity being discussed. Lighting is also an important aspect of a video interview. “Shadows or bright light might blur you out and make it more difficult for the interviewer to see you and focus during the interview,” says Christman. “If you can, utilize windows or lamps to help balance out the lighting in the space.” Creating a distraction-free, well-lit space will enable you to shine to your potential employer and keep you on-track during the meeting.
3. Personalize Where You Can
An often overlooked, unique advantage of video interviews is that candidates can be more creative in expressing themselves. Consider keeping some meaningful objects close by that you can show off or include in the background that tell your story. “Let your backdrop show your personality. Do you play guitar? Are you an avid traveler? Don’t shy away from dropping hints that you have interests outside of work,” advises Christman. Some other items to consider including in the background are industry-specific books, certifications or examples of your work. Overall, some personalization where appropriate will help your interviewer learn more about who you are and what you’re passionate about.
4. Treat The Meeting Like an In-Person Interview
Though there are a few differences between a video interview and an in-person interview, the overall purpose of the meeting remains the same. You should prepare just as you would for a face-to-face interview. Among other things, we recommend dressing professionally, writing down some thoughtful questions and doing your research about the organization and position ahead of time.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in euismod elit, a egestas quam. Vivamus accumsan lacus nec malesuada egestas. Vivamus feugiat odio at odio dignissim gravida. Quisque tristique venenatis lectus, vitae ornare ante hendrerit vel. Nulla ac mi quis metus ultricies venenatis. Nunc aliquam sodales pretium. Phasellus vitae justo imperdiet, imperdiet nisi vitae, auctor felis. Aenean maximus suscipit felis id dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et urna laoreet, tempus nunc in, consequat ligula. Phasellus id augue ornare, elementum justo vel, scelerisque nibh. Nullam ac mauris arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in euismod elit, a egestas quam. Vivamus accumsan lacus nec malesuada egestas. Vivamus feugiat odio at odio dignissim gravida. Quisque tristique venenatis lectus, vitae ornare ante hendrerit vel. Nulla ac mi quis metus ultricies venenatis. Nunc aliquam sodales pretium. Phasellus vitae justo imperdiet, imperdiet nisi vitae, auctor felis. Aenean maximus suscipit felis id dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et urna laoreet, tempus nunc in, consequat ligula. Phasellus id augue ornare, elementum justo vel, scelerisque nibh. Nullam ac mauris arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in euismod elit, a egestas quam. Vivamus accumsan lacus nec malesuada egestas. Vivamus feugiat odio at odio dignissim gravida. Quisque tristique venenatis lectus, vitae ornare ante hendrerit vel. Nulla ac mi quis metus ultricies venenatis. Nunc aliquam sodales pretium. Phasellus vitae justo imperdiet, imperdiet nisi vitae, auctor felis. Aenean maximus suscipit felis id dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et urna laoreet, tempus nunc in, consequat ligula. Phasellus id augue ornare, elementum justo vel, scelerisque nibh. Nullam ac mauris arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in euismod elit, a egestas quam. Vivamus accumsan lacus nec malesuada egestas. Vivamus feugiat odio at odio dignissim gravida. Quisque tristique venenatis lectus, vitae ornare ante hendrerit vel. Nulla ac mi quis metus ultricies venenatis. Nunc aliquam sodales pretium. Phasellus vitae justo imperdiet, imperdiet nisi vitae, auctor felis. Aenean maximus suscipit felis id dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et urna laoreet, tempus nunc in, consequat ligula. Phasellus id augue ornare, elementum justo vel, scelerisque nibh. Nullam ac mauris arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in euismod elit, a egestas quam. Vivamus accumsan lacus nec malesuada egestas. Vivamus feugiat odio at odio dignissim gravida. Quisque tristique venenatis lectus, vitae ornare ante hendrerit vel. Nulla ac mi quis metus ultricies venenatis. Nunc aliquam sodales pretium. Phasellus vitae justo imperdiet, imperdiet nisi vitae, auctor felis. Aenean maximus suscipit felis id dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et urna laoreet, tempus nunc in, consequat ligula. Phasellus id augue ornare, elementum justo vel, scelerisque nibh. Nullam ac mauris arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in euismod elit, a egestas quam. Vivamus accumsan lacus nec malesuada egestas. Vivamus feugiat odio at odio dignissim gravida. Quisque tristique venenatis lectus, vitae ornare ante hendrerit vel. Nulla ac mi quis metus ultricies venenatis. Nunc aliquam sodales pretium. Phasellus vitae justo imperdiet, imperdiet nisi vitae, auctor felis. Aenean maximus suscipit felis id dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et urna laoreet, tempus nunc in, consequat ligula. Phasellus id augue ornare, elementum justo vel, scelerisque nibh. Nullam ac mauris arcu.